
My Relationship with Him

a devotional journal

Week 31

How can you be sure that Jesus is who He says He is? Taking the Bible as a divinely inspired book as it claims in 2 Peter 1:21 is the premise that we will take. For those who are skeptics, I implore you to have an open mind and study the book of Daniel, which was written around 600 years before Christ came upon this earth. The information in Daniel is so historically accurate; scholars claimed that it was written in AD, not BC. Yet the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were discovered in caves, prove that the book of Daniel, which predicts the countries of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome, in successive ruling powers, was written before some of those nations were even on the scene. If you want to dig a little further, you’ll find this information in Daniel chapters 2,7,8,-11. Even Jesus quoted from Daniel and took his writings to have authority and be authentic. And if Jesus quoted from a historical book, then maybe we should take a closer look.

Today, I want to take a step into the first century Middle Eastern world. It is 31 AD and in an upper room is a 30 -something-year-old man with a group of His closest friends. But there isn’t peace amongst the group. Instead, they’ve been arguing among themselves who was the most valuable person within their ranks. Who brought the most to the table, and who should be honored among the 12 of them.

Everyone took their place, seated in a circle; at least no one could claim to be higher than the other based on their physical location. There was an eerie silence. It was so uncomfortable and thick, and it was palpable. Everyone knew what had to be done, but no one would dare lower themselves to do so. It was the Near Eastern tradition to have the servant go around and wash the dusty feet of the travelers. All roads may have lead to Rome, but they were dirty dusty roads.

No one could go around washing the other’s feet and still be counted the greatest. So they sat there in stone-cold silence, remaining unclean and unkempt. But then they heard a slight stir. Their breaths were held in, and they all turned to the direction of where the sound had come. A collective gasp was made, and shame immediately filled their souls. Their Rabbi had gotten up and removed His outer garment and had a towel wrapped around His waist. He picked up the pitcher of water and filled the basin, and made His way towards the stunned circle of His friends.

They could not even look Him in the eye. THEY should be doing this for Him, but there He was, filled with compassion, cleaning their dirty, dusty feet. By the time He finished, there was barely a dry eye left in the room. The emotion was overwhelming. But He was not finished cleaning. Yes, He had cleaned the dirt off of their feet, but now it was time to address the stain upon their souls.

Then He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26:27-28 BSB. The stain on their soul was the result of sin in their hearts. He would die so that they could live. When He said those words, perhaps at that moment, they did not realize it, but later, when they contemplated on the last few moments with Him, as they reread the sacred text, perhaps they recalled this phrase from the book of Daniel:

And He will confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week He will put an end to sacrifice and offering…” Daniel 9:27 BSB.

In that upper room almost 2000 years ago (10 more years it’ll be 2000 years from that moment), the Creator of the universe pulled from a text in the Old Testament about confirming the covenant with many. And that by confirming the covenant, He would put an end to the sacrifices and offerings that happened in the sanctuary service. According to the Gospel of John, He was “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!” John 1:29 BSB.

Knowing that One would rather die than have you go through eternal damnation, that He would instead serve than to be served, that He would give all He had because you and I had nothing to offer; this is someOne you can trust, and believe that He is who He says He is.

Additional Resources:
PhD. Hasel, G. 1990. The Book of Daniel Confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls

Week 30

I had a prayer list that I was praying over. I placed specific prayers for people on there. Some of them did not even know that I was praying for them. But I called upon the God of the impossible to do the impossible.

There’s a story in the Bible that tells us what happens when we don’t push back enough. The event takes place in 2 Kings 13:14-25 (read it when you get a chance). Elisha the faithful servant of God, who had raised the dead (2 Kings 4:32-37), and seen the armies of JEHOVAH (2 Kings 6:16-17) and had the Spirit of God upon his life (2 Kings 2:9-12) was now sick. The servant of the Most High God was dying, and God did nothing to prolong the life of His servant. As his character, Elisha remained faithful until his dying breath. So faithful and saturated with the presence of God, the Bible tells us that this man’s dead bones were a conduit of the Divine Spirit of God to bring a dead person to life (2 Kings 13:20-21).

That’s what I wanted, to be a conduit to bring healing to the lives of others. As I prayed for the women on my list, I received news that one of them had died that morning. I prayed for her to have healing and to have life, but instead she succumbed to her illness and breathed her last breath.

Did she know Jesus for herself? Did she have eternal life (John 17:3) as her body waned from this mortal life? I wrote down “Rest in Jesus” underneath her name. Hours later, I received another message, the second woman on my prayer list had slipped into death. But was she in the arms of Jesus? I was torn. Again, I had to write the words “Rest in Jesus.”

Death was never something that the human psyche was meant to process, for it is the opposite of what God designed us for, according to His word: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work that God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 BSB.

It is true, I cannot fathom what God knows from beginning to end. Why my prayers did not grace the throne room of heaven, why my friend’s mom would never see her grandchildren again on this side of eternity. I cannot pretend to know the pain and despondency that he feels, as he is now an orphan.

The Apostle Paul who gave his life to the cause of Christ, and was murdered for his faithfulness said: O, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and untraceable His ways! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor?” Romans 11:33-34 BSB.

I wish God would swoop in, every time His children needed to be saved. He’s not a superhero, He is God and He states that “I declare the end from the beginning, and ancient times from what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and all My good pleasure I will accomplish.'” Isaiah 46:10 BSB.

Perhaps the ones who succumbed to death had completed His purpose for them like the Apostle Paul who said: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 BSB. Maybe life’s arch nemesis, death, creeped in and snuffed out the lives that so desperately wanted to live. What I do know for sure is that when we suffer, Jesus suffers (John 11:35; Acts 9:4) and that soon, death will be but a distant memory.

I must admit for a moment I was tempted to stop praying for the people on my list. But I kept pressing on, and I am glad that I did. For Jesus tells us in Luke 18 that we should pray without giving up, especially when it looks like all our chips are down.

While we have breath in our body let us give God praise, even in the moments when it hurts. Because He is working through all things (the terrible and the wonderful) for our good (Romans 8:28).

Week 29

There have been days that I had the most amazing devotional thought for this blog, but I never followed through and put pen to paper, or more accurately, fingers to keyboard. They were great ideas, and some of them made me really stop and think. But you will never know them because they were an untapped potential that remained in my mind. What aspirations or ideals or even dreams dance in your head when you lay your head down or walk down an aisle picking up groceries? No one will ever know them unless you speak them into existence. And about 7,000 years ago, that’s precisely what God did:

My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it.” Isaiah 55:11 BSB.

Genesis chapter 1 tells us of the beginning of earth’s history. God came upon a blank canvas, and He began to speak what was in His heart; in His mind, God spoke His dreams into existence. And what exactly was His dream? The wisest man who ever lived told us that God: made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work that God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 BSB.

God made everything beautiful in their own time, meaning that He is meticulous, purposeful and what the King James Version of the Bible declares as long-suffering or patient. Then Solomon tells us that in addition to those characteristics, God has also placed eternity in the hearts of humanity. What does that even mean to beings that have a beginning and an end?

The best way to answer this question is to hear it from the God who placed it in our hearts: Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only TRUE God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” John 17:3 BSB. Paul opens this up to the philosophers in Athens when he said: God intended that they [humanity] would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.” Acts 17:27 BSB.

God’s vision, His dream, He aspired to create individuals who would grow in beauty from the inside out and desire to be in a relationship with Him. David, the man called after the heart of God seemed to understand God’s deepest desire, for he penned: Give unto the LORD [YAHWEH] the glory due unto His name; worship the LORD [YAHWEH] in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2 KJV.

YAHWEH is the covenant, relational name of God. And here the shepherd-boy turned warrior-king tells us to honor this relational seeking Deity by giving the glory He is due and to spend time with Him in the beauty of holiness. Exodus 34 God describes His name, and it is the beautiful character of love displayed in a person. That Person came to earth and became known as Jesus. And according to John chapter 1, Colossians chapter 1 and Hebrews chapter 1, He is the God who partnered with His Father and spoke creation into existence.

Do you realize that you are the dream of God. And He didn’t just keep His beloved dream in His heart or His head, He spoke you into existence, an eternity ago, just so you could appear at this time in history. It may have taken thousands of years to come to fruition, but here you are, reading the reality that you are who He dreamt about so long ago.

Week 25

Next week we’ll be halfway through the year. And this thought came to my mind: When Jesus prayed the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6, He was actually giving us a window of how He prayed.

Matthew chapter 6 is the midway point between the theological discourse known as the Sermon on the Mount. Chapter 5 has the Beatitudes, while 7 teaches us about actively living a Christlike character and the outcome of only pretending to be Christlike.

Between those two chapters, we have the foundation or the trunk of the Christian experience. For chapter 6 has to do with our relationship with God, our Father. Without having a relationship with God, we could not accomplish what Christ explains in chapter 5. Such things like “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7 NKJV. Mercy is a character of God. The Psalmist cries out: Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.” Psalm 51:1 KJV.

You see, mercy is the Lord’s. In Micah 6:8, God speaks through His servant and tells us: He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” BSB.

But in order to do so, we would need to rely solely on God to provide the strength and desire to act justly and to love mercy, and be in a daily relationship with Him, which was shown as walking humbly with God.

And that humility is the key factor that reminds us that we are mere mortals and that we could not exist without God. But there is one that does not want us to exist and desires our demise. Jesus calls this individual the “evil one” in Matthew 6:13.

This evil one can only be defeated through the power of the God in heaven, so Jesus begins the Lord’s prayer “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.” And then He ends the prayer: For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:9,10,13.

The prayer begins with the authority and power of God. And so we should start and end each day of our lives, with the power of God resting upon our lives. The Psalmist returns to tell us how to accomplish this: Blessed is the man that…his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in His law doth he meditate day and night.” Psalm 1:1,2 KJV.

Jesus meditated on the very law He gave (John 8:58; Exodus 3:14) day and night. And when it was time to share the best way to communicate with the founder of the law, Jesus taught us to claim the power of God over lives by acknowledging Him as our Father, that He has a kingdom that is powerful and will last forever; God as our provider, God as the One who forgives us and empowers us to forgive others, and the One who provides us with the power to not transgress His law.

Jesus, who is sinless, said, “forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” In that sense, Christ was identifying with us as the human Mediator between God and man, showing us how we need to communicate in humility to the God of the universe. In the garden, He took all of our sins, and through His blood, He carried it to the throne of God, asking mercy for us. Isaiah tells us: and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.

Next time that you find yourself feeling defeated by sin, remember that Jesus is your Mediator, and His blood can cleanse you from every vile thing or thought or feeling, and He wants to because He is merciful. Calling upon His power and claiming His promises to provide is the only way we’ll get out of this thing alive.

Week 24

Recently during a meeting that I had with a student, I was blown away at the realities that He had to work through. He had failed a semester in college, which was not his norm. As I looked over his classes, they were far less complicated than the ones he had previously excelled in at the university. When his name got called out for a dismissal from the institution, I had an immediate physical reaction. Heart pounding and breath abated, I tried to remain as calm as possible. This was one of my students, I wouldn’t, I couldn’t give up on him. I reached out to the chair of his program, we needed to talk, we needed to devise a plan to save him.

I can’t imagine what God went through when He saw, not just His students, as He is the Divine Teacher, but His beloved creation making choices that would ruin their lives, for eternity. Adam and Even made a choice that plunged themselves and all their future posterity into hell. It was their initial decision, that had the rippling effect that my student, who has just walked away from his teenage years, to be experiencing separation, anxiety and death in a matter of months, back to back.

God did not design for us to go through life in the way that we have been forced to live. And although it was not His fault, He took the consequences of eternal death upon Himself: No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord.” John 10:18 BSB. Jesus was not forced to carry the load of sin, but He did so because He would not sit idly by while His loved ones perished.

Jesus gave His life because He loves us: There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 NLT. And He calls us to love just as abandonly as He does: A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another.” John 13:34 BSB.

Does that mean that we should be dying for others? Yes. The idea is dying to self daily as Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 15:31, and in so rejoice in the celebratory love and affection for your fellow human being. Meaning, if you see someone who is on the wrong path, you don’t just shrug shoulders, you find out how you can step in and help. That’s what Christ did for us, and it’s what motivates me to love others, by stepping in their situation.

Had I not said anything, my student would have been dismissed and marked as a poor learner. But the love that I have for him and every single one that comes into my attention, will not allow me to simply stand by and let them fail. Now, I can help chart out the waters, but I can’t make the journey him. Unlike Christ who did make the journey for us. Now all we have to do is trust Him and move forward in His faith, following His path.

And the faith that He asks us to have is the faith in someone else, the faith in Him, the faith to love, even when it hurts. Give love while we still can, because that is the ENTIRE reason why you and I were created to begin with.

Week 23

Let’s be upfront; Week 23 almost didn’t happen. I have been fighting sickness and pain for several days. I feel weak and tired. Yet, the last two weeks have been some of my busiest days for ministry. I’ve done 6 live shows/interviews / Bible study sessions on top of my regularly scheduled life. I feel like I am constantly giving, but I’m not getting refilled or refueled. I’m running on fumes, and the smoke inhalation is choking me. God please clear out the smoke and fill me up or I’m not going to make it.

Have you ever felt like that? Completely overwhelmed and exhausted for the simple fact of living? It’s okay as a child of God to feel like you’ve had enough. The problem stems, when we don’t allow God to take care of us when feeling so down, tired or done.

Elijah was so exhausted from doing the right thing that he not only though to suicide, he actually voiced it: But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he asked that he might die, saying, “It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers And he lay down and slept under a broom tree.” 1 Kings 19:4-5 ESV.

This powerful man of God did not only want to give up, but he wanted to just end his life. And God could have chastised him, but instead listen to what happens: And behold, an angel touched him and said to him, “Arise and eat.” And he looked, and behold there was at his head a cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water. And he ate and drank and lay down again. And the angel of the LORD came again a second time and touched him and said, “Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.” And he arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God.” 1 Kings 19:5-8 ESV.

First thing we see – This man of God who has been pushing and pressing with all his might to encourage people to follow the one true God, was being run out of town because he chose to do the will of God without compromise. And that kind of pressure can be so great it pushes people to the edge. For some, they don’t just talk about ending their lives, the actually do it. And if you have ever thought about taking your own life, PLEASE DON’T! Get help, here’s a resource for you: Call 800-273-8255 and talk to someone who has been trained to help you.

Not everyone can have a physical angel like Elijah did. But God has placed angels all around us to help us for this life’s journey. That is the second thing that we see. God does not expect us to keep going without rest and resources. When we get tired, it is our body’s way of telling us that we need REST! Ignoring our bodies will lead to a higher depression rate (check this article out).

Sometimes when we’ve rested and replenished our resources, in order to have the strength to keep going, we have to repeat the cycle to rest and replenish. Only then will God give us the OK to keep going. But no matter where we find ourselves God will never leave our side. And what He has in store for us, will blow all our worries out of the water! For if you keep reading Elijah’s story, you will see that God sent Heaven’s fiery chariots to swing and pick Elijah up. And the man who expressed suicidal ideations, never partook of death.

God wants to give us the same gift. The one where we never have to experience eternal death, but everlasting life in Him. John 17:3 Jesus said that we can experience eternal life right now, when we know Him and God the Father for ourselves.

Week 22

I got on the scale this morning, and I was filled with disappointment. I gained weight. About 2 pounds, which isn’t a HUGE deal, except it is. I’ve been eating right, avoiding FUN foods, learning to crave raw veggies, NOT having pizza and high simple carb delights. Drinking ONLY water, for months now. The year 2021 is probably the healthiest in way of nutrition, my body has ever been. Yet, I can’t seem to lose weight. I went to the doctor’s office a few weeks ago, and this week I am scheduled for some blood work to see what’s going on with me internally. But I can let you know what’s happening spiritually, I’m on life support.

During my morning devotion, I told God that I can’t keep pushing up against this brick wall expecting it to move. I can work out and eat grass, drink gallons of water, and maybe lose a few ounces. While just walking past breads and foods that make my nasal cavity perk up with joy causes me to gain actual pounds. The game is rigged, and I can’t win against the House.

So in my morning prayers, I told Him that I needed help and that I couldn’t do this on my own. Then I decided to go for a walk. I went to go check on my mom, and she was sound a sleep. The park was not far from me, so I clipped my fanny pack on my waist and made my way to the park.

While I was there, the most amazing, God-sent miracle happened. There’s a fear that I have, it’s weird but it’s me. This thing with people passing me. When I was in high school, this girl was coming down the stairs behind me, and I panicked, I tried to skip a few steps to get down to the first floor before she could pass me. Oh, I made it down before her alright, I ended up tumbling down and spraining my ankle. HOW embarrassing!

As I walking around the park, I see this older woman (maybe in her 50s) coming in at my 8 o’clock. I try to speed up, but she’s full of life and clearly healthier than me (I’m in my 30s). As she is passing me, she turns her head, without breaking stride, and tells me “Don’t give up. Keep going.” I was shocked, because I was ready to give up, literally, I was about to hop back into my car. Then she said “A year ago I was 114 pounds heavier. But I kept walking, after ever meal, I kept going.”

I felt an electric type current surge through my body and tears stinging my eyes. God heard my prayer. He heard how I needed help, encouragement, and He provided it for me. Her words encouraged me to keep going, and instead of going back to my car, I did 2.99 miles.

He let me know that I am not alone on this journey, and that He will see to it that I am victorious, because He is with me.

I don’t know what you’re about to give up on, don’t. God hasn’t given up on you, and He never will.

Week 21

I honestly can’t find a place in this world where I feel safe and comfortable (period). As a Black woman, I just get tired of fighting. Fighting to be understood, to have my voice heard, to be valued, to live. I know that the country of my birth did not intend for me to be free, and when they penned those poignant words: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” The Declaration of Independence was not declared on my behalf. And I’m tired of fighting against the grain, to just be seen as a creation of the Creator.

This weekend will mark the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre, where Black bodies and business were destroyed by terror and condoned by the very government many of them had pledged their lives to protect and support. And as I read the news of how powerful individuals are working to limit access to having the story of the Black people, not just bodies, being told, I feel so tired.

Last year all I could do is weep when the murdering execution of George Floyd happened on national television. Like the lynchings of old that turned into a public spectacle. Families would gather together to witness the murdering of Black bodies that had no say over their lives.

I close my eyes and hear God say “This world is not your home…” but I’m tired of being homeless! Then He says: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” John 14:1-4 NKJV

So, Jesus what am I supposed to do in the meantime? The time between this hell on earth and the heaven with You? I hear: To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Rev. 3:21. NKJV.

What did You overcome Jesus? Because that’s my question. What do you understand about being marginalized and broken? As the King of the Universe, what could you have overcome? This is the message that He tells me

He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.

Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;

The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He opened not His mouth;
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
And as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth. – Isaiah 53:3-7 NKJV

Jesus tells me that He understands what it feels like to be unwanted in your own country, your own home. But He overcame the hatred with love. And I fear with hope. And this is what I have to cling to. The promises from Jesus that He will fill me with His love, and cover me with Hispe and cradle me with His faith. Because without Him, I don’t think I can overcome anything, and that hate will fill my soul. And I don’t want to live life like that.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Week 20

I’ve been going through an emotional rollercoaster the past few months. I’m not alone; this is a ride that the entire world has been on while trying not to heave at all the insane twists and turns. Knowing that Christ is coming soon should provide a sense of relief but not negate what I am going through in the present. And for this emotional turmoil, I also am not alone, for God, Himself struggled with the present-future notion. Let me explain…

When God spoke this world into existence (Gen. 1:3, John 1:1-3), He created a covenant (Is. 42:6, Rev. 13:8,) within the family of God (Deut. 6:4, Mark 12:29) to provide a way of escape (1 Cor. 10:13, Heb. 4:15) for humanity (Gen 3, Rev. 13:8), by giving Himself (Gen. 22:7) for us (John 3:16; Gal. 2:20).

But all of God’s foreknowledge: I declare the end from the beginning and ancient times from what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and all My good pleasure I will accomplish.’ Isaiah 46:10 BSB, He still suffered in the moment, and wanted to end His suffering: And He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, where He knelt down and prayed, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me. Yet not My will, but Yours be done.” Luke 22:41-42 BSB.

Yet, He went through with it because of the covenant made was from the foundations of the world (Rev. 13:8) before time began, so it was an everlasting covenant. God would rather die than break it. And I think of this world and all the problems that it has, even though I know that it will all end soon, the surety of the future does not negate the present’s reality.

So, the fact that I know the scriptures are clear that I will get a new body (1 Cor. 15:54) does not eliminate the mourning that I have for my present body. I am in my late 30s and have recently been diagnosed with male pattern alopecia. The thinning of my hair has been going on for years. I’ve cut my hair to try and hide it, and I can hide it no longer. So a few days ago, I just butchered it all up. It looks terrible!

Finally, I went to a doctor’s appointment, where I was diagnosed. I’ll be getting some blood work and tests done to see what is causing this issue (among others, that I’m not ready to share with the world…yet, if ever). BUT before I wallow in a sea of my own self-pity and the death of my follicle dreams (I’ve always wanted a full head of hair), I hear God whisper to me in the present to carry my to the future: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 12:9 NIV.

His grace is sufficient for me. That Greek word for sufficient is Arkei: to be possessed of unfailing strength ( So while I may be weak and crying of my lack of failed femininity, Jesus is telling me that His grace possesses unfailing strength. And so, if His grace is an ocean, I will gladly sink into it so that I may be immersed in His strength, come up again, and float in the sea of His love.

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