
My Relationship with Him

a devotional journal



Day 311

the lord is my portion | Tumblr

I did something today that I encourage you to do as well. I counted my blessings. Not all of them, but one very specific one, and then I broke it down and just marveled at the goodness of God. The fact is that His mercies, His Chesed love towards us are never failing. They are new every morning. Meaning God, who is eternal, pours out new blessings upon you every single day. The prophet Jeremiah struggled in ways many of us will never understand. But when his soul was heavy and his afflictions many, this is what he had to say: But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:21-24.

I don’t want you to miss the significance of what is going on here. The book’s title is Lamentations. The definition of this word is: the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping” (Google Dictionary). Whatever the author was going through it was enough for him to pen it down in a book he entitled “the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping.” And it was the destruction of his people, and the land he called home. They had turned their backs against God. They had broken the covenant, yet still desired the blessings of the covenant. The Israelite nation had mastered the “friends with benefits” scenario with God. And God was not having it anymore. He gave them countless opportunities until it was clear that they no longer desired the presence of God, although claimed His protection and power. But God does not work that way, and as a side note neither should we.

If someone wants to be in a relationship with you for all the benefits associated with being exclusive, yet they do not behave as they are or claim the title of exclusivity, then you should withhold yourself from them. This isn’t saying that if you’re married and you want to punish your spouse that you withhold sex. No, this is saying if you’re in a relationship with someone who wants what you can provide for them, but not you as an individual that you should withhold whatever benefits from them until you are seen as the valued equal partner that you are.

And that is what God wanted from the ones He said: Because you are precious and honored in My sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you and nations in place of your life.” Isaiah 43:4. But they treated God as yesterday’s trash and not as the God of the universe who called them into being. They wanted the power of God but not His presence, His protection but not His precepts. So God gave them what they wanted and He stepped away from them for a moment. And when He did, the enemy came swooping in with utter destruction.

And this is the time and period in which Jeremiah lived. And he chronologized His grief and sorrow in the book he called Lamentations. But even among the pain and the sorrow, between the gasping airs of weeping, he was able to grasp unto one kernel of hope, and that was the Chesed, steadfast love of God. That even though everything around him seemed to be going straight to hell, that the sun still came up the next morning. That he still had breath in his lungs when others were sent to the grave. He realized that amid the pain and suffering that the LORD was still with him. That: The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:24.

Who knows what pain and sorrow or lament you are going through. I have no idea. All I am sure of is that the One who does know, is still surrounding you with His everlasting and faithful love, and His mercies towards you are new every single morning you fill your lungs with air. Let your soul agree with Jeremiah when he says that the Lord is our portion and our hope will always be in Him.

ChurchoftheNazarene on Twitter: "“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,  “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:24 #Nazarene… "

Day 293

Who Will Win? | Listen Free on Castbox.

As we wind down during the final quarter of 2020, and the final moments of this earth’s history, what do you have to look forward to? If you’re in America there’s a high chance that you are dreading the outcome of the next presidential election, regardless of which “party” that you claim. Because the reality is that this circus show is a distraction from what is going on in the world, in our homes in our lives. So many people are putting in their “prediction” of who they think will win. On a microscopic level, it doesn’t matter who wins on that fateful night in November, because what can they honestly do for you? For your families? For your loved ones? Whoever gets sworn-in January 2021, your bills will keep coming, the sun will rise again, and your life will not come to a halt. But there was one event in history that affects our future and impacts our present. And that was the first coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The reason why He came had to do with the outcome of humanity. We would be lost for eternity. One of the saddest things that happen in life is the death of a loved one. But after they have gone and are passed, their memories live on in the hearts and minds of those they shared their lives with. Gravesites carry their name, date of birth and death, and something unique about that individual. But what about the unmarked graves? The ones that no one knew who died here or why? That was what earth was heading towards, a bleak existence without hope in a world consumed with hate and filled with unmarked graves. But God would not allow it to be so, AMEN! And the only way He could address this problem was to get in the mud with us. He had to experience what we experienced and be tempted in the body of degraded humanity. God could have chosen to come when human beings still lived hundreds of years on this planet. When their bodies were close to perfection. Instead, He waited until 4000 years had passed and human beings who were once made in the image of God, were now unrecognizable.

So in the book of Daniel, the prophecy is given as to when the Messiah would come: Seventy weeks [of years, or 490 years] have been decreed for your people and for your holy city (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make atonement (reconciliation) for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness (right-standing with God), to seal up vision and prophecy and prophet, and to anoint the Most Holy. So you are to know and understand that from the issuance of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until [the coming of] the Messiah (the Anointed One), the Prince, there will be seven weeks [of years] and sixty-two weeks [of years]; it will be built again, with [a city] plaza and moat, even in times of trouble. Then after the sixty-two weeks [of years] the Anointed One will be cut off” Daniel 9:24-26.

The prophecy in that I just quoted, explains that in the year 457 B.C. when the walls and temple of Jerusalem would be built, that 490 years later the Messiah would be anointed in 27 A.D. and “cut off” or killed in 31 A.D. By the time we get to the end of the prophecy the Gospel now be available to the entire world beginning at 34 A.D. Now, if you want to see how this is all broken down from the Bible and history, here is a FANTASTIC link. But 500 years before the Messiah came and gave His life, it was predicted down to the year of when this was going to happen. And when God had made that promise about 6000 years ago to a lost and scared couple, He looked down the timeline of history and He inserted Himself to stop the freight train of hopelessness.

And I praise God, that He inserts Himself in our lives, in ways we may never know on this side of eternity. Perhaps it doesn’t always make sense to us with all the dangers and problems happening in this world. But I know that the few decades that we spend on this side of the Jordan will not compare to the ceaseless ages of life we will soon live. But before then, we have to get through today, and the next day and the day after. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if we lived life the way that He did: Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” John 21:25. He was only on this planet for 33 and a half years, but His impact was so powerful it changed the course of humanity. He told us what He was here for: For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” Luke 19:10. And He is still seeking and willing to save us. And for that, I will be forever, eternally grateful.

Luke 19:10 | World Challenge

Day 252

5 of the Best Neighborhoods in Brooklyn | The Storage Space

I was born in Brooklyn New York. Everyone who asks me where I am from I represent the top borough with pride and energy. I love how electric and urban, how posh, and yet how down to earth the couple square city blocks of Brooklyn can be. Ask me general questions, and I’ll tell you the answers. But if you began to drill down and move past the superficial “concrete jungle” terminologies, I’m hopeless. One summer I went for a walk. I left my aunt’s brownstone and made my way down the block. When I turned around all the streets looked the same, all the brownstones had the same stoop out front! I was so lost. I had only been walking for about 10 minutes, and I had been completely turned around. I had no cell phone with me and didn’t know my aunt’s number off the top of my head. The confusion began to dissipate as fear and panic began to settle in and take its place. I was throwing up prayers every step that I took. No one knew that I was out and about because they were still sleeping. It had to be around 7 in the morning, but the streets of Brooklyn were very much alive.

Somehow, I found my way back to my aunt’s house and breathed a breath of relief. I did not know her address, I did not know ANYTHING! Looking back at that experience, I may have been 28 years old when I had taken that frightening detour. And if that was my only story of getting lost as an adult in a strange city, I would have chalked it up to a crazy mishap or an ill-gotten adventure. But I have at least 2 other times that I got lost as an adult. Once in Chicago (that will have to be a devotional thought all on its own), another time was accidentally heading towards the Florida Everglades, with barely any gas in my car, and my phone battery running low. Thank God I was able to call my dad. When he asked me which direction was I heading (north, south, east, or west), I told him all I saw were trees! He then asked me which direction is the sun-facing. Just from me being able to answer that one question, he was able to guide me back home.

What is it about the sun that not only provides us light and warmth but energy and direction. The sun is our star, and it kisses our skin with rich vitamins and provides the energy our plants need to activate photosynthesis so that we can breathe and eat. Even at night, the sun provides light for us by the moon reflecting off of its light. Often the night can bring about fears of the unknown but: Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the voice of His Servant? Who among you walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD; let him lean on his God.” Isaiah 50:10. I was extremely frightened when I was wandering the streets of Brooklyn and Chicago on foot. At least in Florida, I was able to drive, but driving without a direction in mind, losing daylight, and having my phone battery dying and gas running out, I was starting to stress out in ways that were not beneficial to my situation. But once I found my way, with the help of others, it was more than a sigh of relief, it was newfound freedom of peace.

I didn’t have to stress anymore because the familiar had become known to me once more and no longer was I in the darkness of the unknown: For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light” Ephesians 5:8. Life gets like that sometimes. And we end up taking a wrong turn, not planning on getting lost, but the unfamiliar no longer becomes an adventure, and we begin to panic inside. Especially when we begin to run out of resources. Our present situations may seem troubling and depressing. But God lets us know that He is walking by us step by step. And that He will be our light and guide home. He only asks us that we: walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2. And if we get lost in His love, that’s okay too.

Tami ✞ on Twitter: "And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and  hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a  sweetsmelling savour. Ephesians

Day 153

*SPOILER: Amazing images below*

When I started this blog 153 days ago, I NEVER thought we would be experiencing Armendgedon type of situations daily. The world is in shambles, and the most powerful country in the world has at it’s highest point of leadership has not proven to be helpful nor effective. Unfortunately, this type of leadership trickles down as poison in the political system. Most recently this leader stated the following: You have to dominate or you’ll look like a bunch of jerks, you have to arrest and try people,” Trump said to the governors. Multiple news outlets obtained audio of the call. “It’s a movement, if you don’t put it down it will get worse and worse. The only time it’s successful is when you’re weak and most of you are weak,” said the president, who hid in a bunker two nights earlier.” (Sharma, 2020). And because of his position of power and influence, which was originally organized to be a position of service, other leaders are listening and there is a full-blown war on the citizens of a nation against those who had sworn an oath to protect them. What is insane, is that these who are now terrorizing American citizens are also employed by them through government taxes. And of course, this got me thinking of One who was terrorized, attacked, and eventually murdered by the ones He created. Let’s talk about Jesus.

Genesis, John, and Hebrews chapter 1 all collaborate to tell us that the Creator of the Universe is Jesus Christ. The only way to save this fallen world was to come and live like us, as us, and for us to die for our sins. While His death is what we concentrate on, and the wonderful resurrection, it was the living part which was the longest section of His ministry while on earth. And Jesus went against the status quo because the status quo was wrong:
#1 – In the culture and society of first-century Judaism racism was a huge issue (Matthew 15, John 4, Luke 10, Acts 10, Galatians 2). The Jews believed that they were the favored race and that all other ethnicities were below them. They even believed that if they mingled with them they were considered “unclean” and then had to go through a purification process.
#2 – Money and wealth were king. If you were wealthy, you automatically gained the respect of all those within the community. You were always preferred above everyone else, and it clearly meant that you were blessed and favored by God. But Jesus clearly showed that was not the case (Matthew 19, Luke 18). The author of James also blasted the wealthy who lorded it over the less fortunate and who used their wealth to elevate themselves and not their brothers in need (James 5).
#3 – Health. If you suffered from an ailment, it meant that you sinned or that your parents committed a sin so grievous that it was passed onto the child (John 9). Jesus had to dispel this rumor and the previous ones mentioned, that God was not like what the world had created Him out to be.

God who created the world with the breath of His mouth, and breathed that breath into Adam. God who made all ethnicities with one compact DNA strand from the man in which He made in His image (Genesis 1:28). God who would rather come down to earth and live in abject poverty with humanity in order to uplift them into the eternal wealth of knowing God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that God who lives in heaven inhabited with the praises of flaming ministering spirits (Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1, Hebrews 1, Revelation 4) that are so powerful 1 of them has the ability to destroy almost 200,000 of the enemies of the children of God (2 Kings 19:35). This God who is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end (Revelation 21:6), who in His majesty cannot abide in a temple made by man’s hands (Acts 17:24), who lives outside of time and the universe came to set us free from the tyranny of race division, financial oppression, health disparities.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” 1 Timothy 6:10. I now understand that this verse is true. It is the desire for wealth above the needs of others which is evil. This is the desire which drove the world to slavery. To enslave your fellow brothers of the human race. It was the drive for money and the lust for power that kept such laws as Redlining which is: the local, state and federal housing policies that mandated segregation…that the Federal Housing Administration, which was established in 1934, furthered the segregation efforts by refusing to insure mortgages in and near African-American neighborhoods — a policy known as “redlining.” At the same time, the FHA was subsidizing builders who were mass-producing entire subdivisions for whites — with the requirement that none of the homes be sold to African-Americans.” (Gross, 2017). Some of these laws have never been removed, but the souls of those who imposed them have been.

The leaders in the day of Christ were focused on political gains which included power and money, which led to oppression and racism. Jesus came down, and He was not having any of it. Jesus told us that: the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28. But let’s be clear, they murdered Him because He refused to mold into their preception for Him. And so now, across this country named the United States of America, those in power are attacking those who will no longer stand of oppression and racism which divides. And the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against wicked spiritual beings in high demonic places (Ephesians 6:12). So we cannot fight with regular weapons, we need supernatural armor (I did a devotion on that on Day 85). We need to know that these police officers who are attacking peaceful protestors, and the rioters that are inciting violence are not filled with the love or spirit of God, but of demonic agencies. Because unrighteous anger left uncheck will indeed leave open footing for the enemy to come in and possess you: Be angry, yet do not sin.” Do not let the sun set upon your anger, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:27.

Instead, be angry and do not sin, as the verse mentions. How you may ask? Well, it certainly is not hiding in a bunker and then telling people that they are weak and to dominate individuals. No, instead be like the ones who are coming together and in their cry for justice, are fulfilling the law of Christ by loving and helping, instead of destroying and tweeting unfactual information to incite hate. These are the leaders Christ is looking for, those like Him, who are willing to serve not to be served.

Communities Are Coming Together To Clean Up After Destructive ...     Breitbart News NetworkVolunteers across the US clean up glass, graffiti in wake of ... Volunteers pitch in to clean up Downtown following Saturday ... Live George Floyd Protest Updates and Video - The New York Times

Day 109

Sermon / Sept 11, 2016 / Luke 15:1-10 / Lost & Found / Pastor ...As we continue from yesterday’s topic of “Lost” we will take a look at two sons, who both dishonored their father. One in open rebellion, and the other one in his heart. Both wishings that their father would die so that they could have what they desired. Only one of them was brazen enough to express his longing out loud. We will return to  Luke chapter 15 and discuss the final story of the three: the sheep, coin, and son(s).

The Son(s) –  You may have realized that I added an additional “s” to son. Even though the main story is about one son who ran away from home, there was one that stayed home and ended up lost as well. First, let’s will talk about the runaway. In the 1st century Jewish context, it was a part of the culture that the father would divide His wealth and belongings amongst his children, preferably his sons. If he did not have sons, it would go to his son-in-law or his brothers, after any debts he had were paid. This is not so different from our culture over 2000 years later. We have last will and testaments that get read after the passing of a loved one. This is when everyone knows what was left to them in the deceased will. Apparently, the youngest son in this story (Luke 15:11-24), could not wait any longer for his father to die. He came to his father one day and just let it out: The younger of them [inappropriately] said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the property that falls to me.’ So he divided the estate between them.” Luke 15:12.

The reason why the text states “inappropriately” is because that’s exactly what it was. It’s as if someone coming to their parent or even grandparent, and telling them “You’re taking forever to die, give me what you’ve left for me in your will because I want to start my life already!” That is the ultimate sign of outright disrespect and dishonor upon the family. Respect for your elders was key within that society and culture. Written by the hand of God is the 5th commandment in the Covenant: Honor your father and mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12. So to have an insolent youth basically ask for your death for their enjoyment must have sent chills down the spines of the hearers. Because in their culture to disrespect their elders meant death to the offender.

But the Father does not react how they think he should. He honors the son, even though he was disrespected, and gives him what he requested. The youth goes out and lives a lifestyle in which he loses everything: control, money, companions, respect. He who thought he would gain everything from leaving the Father ended up with nothing. One day while he was sharing a meal with some pigs (which is something NO Jewish person would be caught dead doing. Pigs are considered unclean animals in their culture), he knew that life with his father would be better than whatever he had now. So he picked himself up by his bootstraps, made an apology speech in his head and made his way home. He decided that if his father would have him back, he would beg his dad o allow him to live as a servant and work off his debt, which would take the rest of his life.

Listen to SermonsWhat he did not know, was that his father stood at the gate, day after day, season after season, waiting to catch a glimpse of the figure of his son. People told him he was crazy, that boy was not worth it, he wanted you dead! But the father would not listen to them. One day his persistence paid off. And down the dusty road, a familiar figure, now more slouched, and slower than he remembered, was making it’s way around the corner and up the road. Jesus then gives, in vivid, detail how the Father rushes over and embracing the son. He immediately calls for the servants to come and to place his own robe on his son, who smelled like he hadn’t had a bath in months. He took his signet ring off of his finger, that was the sign for authority which had the family Kress in it, and placed it on his son. He kissed him on with the kiss of fellowship all while crying out “He’s alive! He’s alive!” The Prodigal son never had a chance to recite his speech of forgiveness and dishonor, instead, he is carried over the shoulders of the servants and a feast begins in his honor.

Not far away was the elder son. He was working in the field when he heard the huge commotion, the music was echoing in the hills. He saw a servant taking some cattle when they were already put out for the day. He asked them, what is going on? Why are you taking this calf out, why are you slaughtering it? The response that he got, boiled his skin: So he summoned one of the servants and began asking what this [celebration] meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has received him back safe and sound.’”Luke 15:26,27.

The elder brother was so angry he refused to go into the house, instead, he remained outdoors near the quarters of the servants. Because that’s what he felt like. When his father came to bring him in to celebrate, this son had words for his father as well. Perhaps it did not say “die so I can get my inheritance”, but it did suggest that he was waiting for him to die, to start to enjoy his life: But the elder brother became angry and deeply resentful and was not willing to go in; and his father came out and began pleading with him. But he said to his father, ‘Look! These many years I have served you, and I have never neglected or disobeyed your command. Yet you have never given me [so much as] a young goat, so that I might celebrate with my friends; but when this [other] son of yours arrived, who has devoured your estate with immoral women, you slaughtered that fattened calf for him!’” Luke 15:28-30.

The father was deeply heartbroken. It was a time of celebration, he thought one of his sons was dead, but he was alive and returned safe and sound! The question is, how did the older brother know what his brother was doing? The story leaves it to our understanding that he knew where his brother was and what he was doing, and when his brother ran out of money, he did not reach out to help him. But he was hoping that he would not return. But the Father loves all His children, and life at times can be harsh for those who choose to live outside of His will. God doesn’t say: I told you so, but instead says: For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13.

Luke 15:10 | KCIS 630The story ends like this: The father said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But it was fitting to celebrate and rejoice, for this brother of yours was [as good as] dead and has begun to live. He was lost and has been found.’” Luke 15:31,32. Jesus left the question in the air for His hearers: Will you come and celebrate with us? Or will you remain outside in the darkness?” Today, God asks us the same question. When we see someone who has messed up their lives because of their choices, will we embrace and show them the love of the Father, or will we stay outside of the party that heaven is throwing for the lost who have been found, for the runways who have returned home again? Because God wants all His children to come home.

Day 108

Feeling lost in life? – Executive Coach International – Life ...During a time when distancing has become the norm, we must fight even harder not remain distant. Separation is difficult in so many aspects and has a way of harming the human psyche. The worst type of separation is a personal and familial loss. Tonight I want to talk about an entire chapter dedicated to the Lost and how God deals with distancing, separation, and loss. Luke chapter 15 discusses three different stories about loss: the sheep, coin, and son. Out of all the possibilities of things that could get lost, why did Jesus choose these 3? Tonight we will take a look at two of them, to see why these were so important He used them to illustrate His love for us.

The Sheep – This is the first of three stories. Being in an agrarian society, this story hits home for the people in Jesus’ day. As the farm owner counts his sheep, he realizes that one of them is missing. He recounts just to make sure, but his first count was accurate. Now having 100 sheep meant that this was a wealthy landowner. And he must have had servants that could go and find that one lost sheep. But in this story, the Owner was also the Shepherd of His sheep, and He knew each one by name, and they knew His voice. And even though it’s late and dark out in the wilderness, He locks the other sheep in, and He takes off after the one.

In John chapter 10 Jesus explains that He has His “sheep” or children everywhere, and that they know His voice, and that He is willing to die for them (John 10:15,16). When He finds the sheep, lost and confused, He doesn’t scold it for wondering off. No, instead Jesus says: And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he gets home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found my lost sheep!’” Luke 15:5,6. Jesus ends the story by comparing the celebration to one that happens in heaven with the angels when ONE lost soul is found and gives their life to the Shepherd, which David speaks about in Psalm 23.

The Coin – This story has so many dimensions to it. Let’s talk about one of them, the relationship between husband and wife. During the first century Palestinian life, a husband would give his wife a valuable gift to be worn on her wedding day. This he would know she accepted his proposal and it would be included as part of her dowery. Many times the gift would consist of jewelry, a set of priceless heirlooms to be passed on to their children. In this story, the woman had lost a piece to her wedding headdress, which made it lose its value. Without the missing coin, she could never make her wedding present complete. It was also an insult to her husband and his name if she could lose a portion of the wedding token. It could be seen as a woman in the 21st century losing a diamond on her engagement ring, that belonged to her dead husband’s grandmother. So as Jesus tells the story, the women probably wrapped their shawls round them, shuttering at the thought. Some may have even experienced that very same incident. The shame and anger that happened in the home, was something no wife would ever want to go through. The men may have nodded their heads in agreement when they heard how desperate the woman was to find that lost coin.

Can you imaging the sigh of relief when the woman finally found the coin? Everyone in the audience probably released the breath that they were holding in. When Jesus said that the woman called all her neighbors to come and celebrate with her, they all understood. Yes, this was indeed a time for a celebration! A priceless family heirloom had been found, and it didn’t even know it was lost. Jesus ends that story again with the reality of the kingdom of God, and how there is a huge celebration when only ONE person repents and chooses life in God. Heaven breaks out in joy and singing! Because someone has turned their life around.

Psalm 34:18 | KCIS 630God loves us so much, He tells us when we feel at our worse, or when we think that we are too lost to save, He says: Listen! The LORD’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.” Isaiah 59:1. The word of God says that when we are in trouble, to call on Him: But in their distress they turned to the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought Him, and He was found by them.” 2 Chronicles 15:4. And when we’re too beat up (emotionally or spiritually) He said that He will come and find us, because He is never too far away: The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears; He delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Ps. 34:17,18.


Day 103

Don't leave me alone - Cloud - WattpadHave you ever had to leave someone that you really love, when you did not want to? One year, while I was in college, my parents came up to visit me for my birthday. It was a really strange birthday for me, I knew I was an adult but felt so scared and apprehensive about the future. I had to have been either 22 or 23. Whatever the case, it was Sunday and my family had to leave. My dad had work on Monday, and they really could not afford to just stay. His income was helping keep me in school. But the thought of being lonely on my birthday was eating me up inside. One of my brothers was actually attending school with me during that time. He tried to be around, but he was younger than I and did not really comprehend the angst that churned in my soul. All I knew was that I wanted, no, I needed my family to stay with me. I began crying and latched on the leg of my father, begging him not to go, but he had to, so he did. Of course, this memory triggered an event that occurred in the Bible, some 2000 years ago. So, let’s talk about it.

No one outside of her immediate family ever treated her with respect. She had a very soiled reputation. Her name was the one you’d find in the bathroom stalls with the tagline “call if you want a good time.” Once she thought that someone loved her, and wanted her for her, but it turned out to be a terrible rouse. Before the sun had come up, after he had had his fun, footsteps flooded the room where she lay. She looked, but she could not find him anywhere, she was alone, he had left her. Who else but he knew about their secret location? Could she have been followed? Mary ran all these thoughts in her head, as she was grappling for her clothes over the sea of screaming men. Before she knew it, she was being dragged out of the bedroom, through the main room and right out the front door. Dust flew all around her, and she could barely see through the crowd. She overheard them speaking about what would “He” say, and they “Got Him now!” She knew that her crime of passion’s penalty in her community, in her culture, was death by stoning. Tears began to well in her eyes, but she refused to give these men the satisfaction to see her beg for her life. She recognized some of their voices, they too had tasted her nectar, but she was the one being dragged out of bed while it was still dark. Now the sun had begun to peak over the horizon, she could see through the crowd just enough to make out where she was going, the Temple.

With one collective force, she was shoved towards the center of the outer court. There were those around a Man who stood up when she landed on the ground. She heard the gasp and the sounds of footsteps surround her. She coward in the fetal position, she knew that this was her last few moments on earth. Tears now freely streamed down her face, all she wanted was to be held, to be known, to be loved. Flashes of her life danced in her head, and pictures of her family swam in and out of her mind. How would they react when they found out that this is how their sister had died. Being the youngest, she would be the one to bring the ultimate shame to her family. She barely realized that the Man was saying something, would He be first to cast the stone? Was He talking to her? He was talking to her!

“Woman, where are those who accuse you?” His voice was so kind, and as she blinked back the tears and dust from her face, she knew she had seen Him before. She looked around, moments ago she had seen a gallery of dusty sandals with just as dust filled feet, now she saw no one, but Him. Would He be the One to condemn her? “No, one Lord?” She wasn’t sure, how she should answer. “Correct. No one is going to harm you today.” He gave her His hand and helped her stand up. He wrapped the mangled sheet around her and looked her in her face, into her eyes. She felt like He could read everything she had ever done, but there was no judgment in His eyes, only compassion. Her heart was pounding so loud she could hear it between her ears. She had never felt like this before, she had never felt known, loved, accepted. He was saying something, “You don’t have to live like this anymore. You’re free, no one is going to hurt you. Go, and sin no more.”

You can read the story that I just modernized for you in the book of John 8:1-11. Jesus was that Man who showed such compassion and grace to a woman who had been used as a ploy to try and destroy Him. Instead, He restored her. A week before He died, Jesus had been invited to a dinner party in His honor. He had healed a very well known man from the crippling disease of leprosy. During the dinner, this same woman would have been dead without His intervention, who under the law deserved the due punishment, was saved by Him. She came and anointed His head and His feet as a way to showcase her love for Him. She did not care who was there, or who was watching, all she knew, was that she had to show Him how much she loved him and appreciated Him for saving her life. As the aroma of the magnificent and expensive perfume filled the air, people began to take notice and were talking about her again. She was used to people looking down at her and talking about her, but she did not care.

Jesus stopped the gossip and the crowd. “What she is doing for me, none of you have even thought of. I came here to your house, and did you even offer me the customary washings? Or how about you, your concern is for the poor? You will have them always with you, but soon, you will not have me.” He paused, then said “Leave her alone. Wherever this gospel is preached, her story and what she has done will also be told, throughout the entire world.” You can read this part of the story in Matthew 26:6-13.

HE HAS RISEN!And it is fitting that when He was on the road to Golgatha, she was there along with His mother. And when He died, she was there to help wrap His body. And on Sunday morning when He resurrected, He waited for her before going to see His Father, because He knew how heartbroken she would be. He told her that He had to leave her, she clung to Him, He told her not to cling to Him because He was going to His Father, and Her Father. Then He gave her a mission: Go and tell everyone, that I AM risen!” John 20:11-18. And so goes the story of the first evangelist.

Now, 2000 years later. Jesus tells to Go and tell everyone, that I AM risen!” AND that He is coming again! The One, who died to take our place, when the law said that we deserved death, He looked at us with compassion, love, and acceptance and said “You no longer need to live a life of sin and shame. Go and sin no more. Go and live a full life. Go and tell the world your story.


Day 102

Where to see lambs at Country Living Spring Fair and book ticketsThis weekend people around the world will celebrate, in perhaps the most muted way ever, the death and resurrection of Christ. What is disappointing to me, is that people will probably miss the richness of the sacrifice of the Godhead in sending the Messiah to take upon Himself the sorrows and sins of this world. Every terrible thing that has ever been done, and will be done, He carried it to the cross. From the first sin of disobedience which blossomed into death… Let me explain: Adam ate of the fruit from the hand of his wife. He completely understood that the wages of sin was death (Romans 6:23) because God had told him so (Genesis 2:17). And when God asked Adam essentially “What’s going on?” Adam basically said “the woman you gave me” (Genesis 3:12) deserves to die because she was the one who disobeyed first. And if you read it clearly, Adam also blamed God, and so in his accusation, Adam was implying that if I go down, then God You should go down too. What Adam did not understand at that moment, was that God had already decided to go down for us: the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:8. Let’s talk about this Lamb.

When Jesus came into this world, He laid aside His divine prerogatives to “walk a mile in your shoes.” One of the attributes which He stepped away from was His omniscient or His knowledge of everything. We know this because the Bible tells us: And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Luke 2:52. You can’t increase or grow in wisdom if you know everything. He made that choice to walk away from it all: Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.” Philippians 2:6-8.

He would rather go through life, experiencing all the issues and problems, the joys and disappointments that come with the human experience, to take our place. Because we are the ones who deserved to die the criminal’s death. We broke the law, we broke the heart of God, yet He was the One who died to place us back together. Let’s be honest, when Adam sinned and basically said that his wife should die, and not him, their relationship probably never fully recovered from that moment. How could it? You can’t be married to someone, and you witness them telling someone that you deserve to die. That day not only was the Divine-Human connection severed, but the Human-Human connection was also severed as well. The only way to put it all back together, was for One Human to remain faithful to God and to man. That’s what Luke chapter 2 told us He did. And when Jesus was 12 years old, He was taken to Jerusalem during a family pilgrimage to attend the Passover Feast. During that experience, Jesus saw the lamb being killed for the sins of the people, which foreshadowed the Messiah. And at 12 years old, He realized, that He was that Lamb (Luke 2:41-50). But those who were with Him did not fully understand His mission, but He did.

Jesus studied the scriptures, we know that because He quoted them all the time during His ministry on earth. And when He said: “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.” Matthew 5:17. He knew about this scripture: But [in fact] He has borne our griefs, And He has carried our sorrows and pains; Yet we [ignorantly] assumed that He was stricken, Struck down by God and degraded and humiliated [by Him]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; The punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, And by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.” Isaiah 53:4-5.

Jesus knew that He was the “He” spoke of, and He did not shy away from His mission. He said I came to fulfill them to accomplish their purpose. Let that sink in… He knew that He would be maligned and forsaken by all (Isaiah 53:6), He knew that He would be betrayed by a close friend (Psalm 41:9), He knew they would strip Him and He’d be naked (Psalm 22:17) He knew that even though He was innocent, that He would have to die (Isaiah 53:7), He knew no one would understand Him. But He did it anyway. He died for every sin that would ever be committed. You name it, He took it upon Himself so we would not have to carry that burden upon ourselves, because we could never make it right. But He could, and He did. So now we keep pressing forward: We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” Hebrews 12:2.

How Do I 'Take Up My Cross?' - Dr. Roger BarrierWe were the reason why He went through with it, we were the joy He saw. To reconcile us with the family of God, so we could be one with Him, in love, action and in purpose. We celebrate the resurrection, yes But without His sacrifice of love upon that cross so long ago, there would be no reason to celebrate. For He is: Jesus Christ, the faithful and trustworthy Witness, the Firstborn of the dead, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who [always] loves us and who [has once for all] freed us [or washed us] from our sins by His own blood (His sacrificial death)— and formed us into a kingdom…priests to His God and Father—to Him be the glory and the power and the majesty and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 1:5,6.

And, amen.

Day 101

Adoption: Teens Need Families, No Matter What | American College ...Imagine seeing someone for the first time and falling in love with them. I know, who really believes in, falling in love at first sight? Well, I was on YouTube (why not, right) and I was watching the story of a little girl from China who had gotten adopted by an American family. You can watch the video here when she tells her mom about the first time she saw her: My heart fell in love with you.” After I watched that beautiful little girl wear her entire heart on her sleeve, and as I used my own sleeve to wipe the tears that trickled down my face, you know it brought me to The Story. The entire golden theme of the Bible, the Love of God. So let’s talk about it.

We’ve discussed the “beginning” of the end before (Day 1, Day 2 Day 4, Day 5, and a few more). When God had created a beautiful planet and home for the object of His joy and eternal love, us; our first parents broke the covenant. They did more than just “eat the fruit.” Adam and Eve set in motion a devastating chain of effects that would only end in eternal separation from God, eternal death. And when all of Creation held a collective breath, wondering what happens to the sin-filled, naked shivering pair which had a death sentence hanging over them. They broke the sacred covenant of Other-Centered Loved and placed their ill-conceived ideas and selfish desires above the word and care of their Creator. And then the unthinkable happens, God came down: When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees. But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:8,9.

They had just broken His heart, and His response was to go after them. That is completely the opposite of our human nature. If someone hurts us, we expect them to come after us and try to make amends. Instead, God humbled Himself and came down. And He proclaimed a promise in that Garden, that used to be filled with love and laughter, now dripping with regret and trepidation. The Promise (Genesis 3:15), was that one day He would come down again, but this time, as a human in order to fight the battle we could not win on our own.

And throughout the Old Testament, He gives us whispers of His love: For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17. Until He could come during the fullness of time to fulfill His promise, He continued to watch over the human race, even when we would turn our backs to Him, He kept coming. When we sinned and dishonored His name, He kept coming: I—yes, I alone—will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again.” Isaiah 43:25. Until, He finally came down, right on time: But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive our adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4,5.

Did you read that? We were thrown out of the Garden, out of favor with God because of sin, but He refused to live without us, and paid the ultimate price so that we could be adopted into His heart, why? I’m glad you asked: For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10.

Salvation and the Spirit 3 – Shofar Durbanville Bible StudiesHe planned to bring us back into His family when He breathed that first breath into Adam, He had made up His mind, that whatever the costs, we would be His again: The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:14,15. We can say Abba, because of Him: “Abba, Father,” He said, “all things are possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will.” Mark 14:36. The Father did not take the cup of eternal separation from God the Son, which is to perish, the second, eternal death, from His only begotten Son, Jesus, because He had made another choice long ago:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.

He chose you, and me over Him. And when God looked down the streams of eternity and saw your face, do you know what He said when He saw you? “My heart fell in love with you.” And when He had to make a choice about 2000 years ago, He hung on that cross, and took His last breath, and said: I choose you, and so “It is finished.” Only so that we could have a new beginning with Him.

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